
Ein satirisch-ironischer Schlagabtausch zwischen „linken“ Vätern und Söhnen.

Ein gesinnungsfester Vater und sein ideologiefreier Sohn, Hinterbliebene des roten Urgesteins Peppi rechnen ab: mit fünfzig Jahren Zeit- und Familiengeschichte, mit Ideologien, Illusionen - und miteinander.

A witty, satirical confrontation between father and son, no punches drawn.
Ardent emotions and cold showers.

After the death of his uncle, who was a legendary trade unionist and crusader of the socialist movement, his nephew, a man with strong convictions, and his ideologically unbound son decide to make tabula rasa once and for all, squaring up with fifty years of political, contemporary and family history, with ideologies, illusions, and most of all with each other.
